Thursday, October 25, 2012

Past Tense

Simple past is formed for regular verbs by adding –ed to the root of a word. 
Example: He walked to the store. A negation is produced by adding did not and the verb in its infinitive form. 
Example: He did not walk to the store. Question sentences are started with did as in Did he walk to the store?

Simple past is used for describing acts that have already been concluded and whose exact time of occurrence is known. Furthermore, simple past is used for retelling successive events. That is why it is commonly used in storytelling

Simple Past Tense is a kind of tense which is used to describe an event or action that happened already in a certain time in the past
The pattern : 
(+) Subject + verb II + complement
(-) Subject + did not + verb II + complement
(?) Did + subject + verb I

The examples : 
(+) I went to Jakarta yesterday
(-) I did not go anywhere last morning
(?) Did you go last week?

Adverbs used : yesterday, last night, last week, two days ago, a few minutes ago, last weekend, last month, last year, in 1994, etc.

Past Continuous Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an event or an action which was happening in a certain time in the past
The pattern : (
(+) Subject + was/were +verb-ing+ complement
(-) Subject + was not/were not+ verb-ing+ complement
(?) was/were+ subject + verb-ing + complement

The examples :
(+) He was writing a letter at eight o’clock last morning
(-) He was not writing a letter at seven o’clock last night
(?) Were you writing a letter at eight last night?

Adverbs used : at the time like this yesterday, at seven o’clock last night, etc.

Past Perfect Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed or finished till certain time in the past too; or past perfect tense is used to express an action or an event that had happened before the other event or action happened

The pattern : 
(+) Subject + had+verb III+cmplement
(-) Subject + had not+ver III+complement
(?) Had + subject +verb III+complement

The Example :
(+) We had eaten before they came
(-) They had not eaten before we came
(?) Had they eaten before we came?

Adverbs used : 
from 1998 to 1999, once, twice, etc.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


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Cara Memasang Fitur Semut di Blog

Semut merupakan serangga eusosial yang berasal dari keluarga Formisidae. Jumlah semut yang tak terhingga, membuat semut hampir menguasai seluruh bagian tanah yang terdapat di bumi, kecuali Hawaii, Islandia dan Greenland. Saat ini, semut tidak hanya menguasai tanah bumi, tetapi juga menguasai dunia blog. Lho kok bisa? Mana mungkin semut bisa menguasai dunia blog. Tidak mungkin juga semut bisa masuk ke dalam blog. Itu adalah pemikiran dan statement yang salah tentang semut. Semut terbukti telah Mondar-mandir, Berkeliaran, Muter-muter dan Bermain di dalam Blog. Kalau sobat blogger tidak percaya, coba ikuti tutorial blogspot di bawah ini!


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Procedure Text

Definition Of Procedure Text

Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences. It also uses the temporal conjunction such as first, second, then, next, finally, etc.

The generic structures of procedure text are :
1. Goal/aim ( or title)
2. Materials (not required for all procedural texts)
3. Steps (the actions that must be taken)

Example Of Procedure Text :

How To Make Kite Flying

Materials :

Butcher cord
Scotch tape or glue
1 Sheet of strong paper
2 Strong, straight wooden sticks of bamboo
Markers, paint or crayons 

After the materials have been prepared, the directions bellow is easy instruction on how to make a kite :
1. Make a cross with the two sticks, with the shorter stick placed horizontally across the longer stick.
2. Tie the two sticks together with the string in such a way as to make sure that they are at right angles to each other.
3. Cut a notch at each end of the sticks. Make it deep enough for the type of string you are using to fit in to. Cut a piece of string long enough to stretch all around the kite frame.
4. Lay the sail material flat and place the stick frame face down on top. Cut around it, leaving about 2-3cm for a margin. Fold these edges over and glue it down so that the material is tight.
5. Make a tail by tying a small ribbon roughly every 10cm along the length of string.
6. Decorate your kite with the markers!
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Report Text

Definition of Report Text
The term report text are also known as informational report. Report, in the Concise Oxford Dictionary 10th Edition, is defined as 1) an account is given of a matter after investigation or consideration. 2) a piece of information about an event or situation. If concluded, the language of the text is the text of the report serves to provide information about an event or situation, after the holding of the investigation and through the various considerations.
Definition text report is also almost similar to what is often mentioned in various books of English at secondary level, "Report is a text the which present information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyzes." [Report is a text that presents information on a case by what it is. This text is the result of systematic observation and analysis.]
Thus, the actual descriptive text of the report and have a fairly clear difference, although both appear to be a "twin brother" though.
In essence, the report usually contains the text that the facts can be proved scientifically, OK ..

Text Generic Structure Report
As with descriptive text, text Report also only have two common structures [generic structure], namely:
General Clasification

General statements that describe the subject of a report, description, and classification.Description: Tells what the phenomenon under discussion; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors; In this section usually gives the phenomena that occur; both its parts, its properties, habit, or behavior. The point is the translation of scientific classification are presented with.There is also some information about the generic text structure report, which includes:
General information

Bundles of Specific InformationGeneral information is the part that mentions the general information of literary themes. While Bundles of specific information, the elaboration of this general information.
I myself tend to agree with the generic structure, because this can make students more aware of the how to write a text report.
Purpose of Report Text
Each paper must have a purpose why the article was written. So is the report text. Some experts say that the purpose of a text report are:
Its social purpose is presenting information about something. They describe an entire Generally class of things, whether natural or made: Mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of region, culture, transportation, and so on.
If concluded, the purpose of the report text is to convey information on the results of observation and systematic analysis. The information described in the report text is usually general in nature, be it natural or buata like mammals, planets, rocks, plants, state, culture, transportation, and so forth.

Grammar patterns in Report Text
Each paper must have features of its own language; if recount text and narrative text likely to have a feature to use simple past, and how to report the text? Okay here are the patterns of grammar commonly used in text reports, which include:Use of general nouns, eg hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, eg our dog;Use of Relating verbs to describe features, eg Molecules are tiny particles;Some use of action verbs when describing behavior, eg Emus can not fly;Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, eg Tropical cyclones always begin over the sea;Use of technical terms, eg Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map;Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organise bundles of information; repeated naming of the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.Description:
General nouns, that is, an object (be it live or dead) of a general nature. Just compare: Hunting dogs> My dog. Hunting dogs are common, while my dog ​​is special.Relating verbs, the grammar is also called linking verbs. Like to be [is, am, are: present], seem, look, taste and so forth.Timeless present tense is a simple marker in the present time such as "Often, usually, always" and others.Technical terms, referring to terms that include the text of the report.For example, about the "music" then, the terms of the music should be there.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Russian Science and Technology

Russian science and technology are famous due to many achievements. On the top of the list there are: the invention of radio by A. Popov, the creation of the Periodical table of elements by D. Mendeleev, formulation of the principals of the interplanetary space flights on multistage rockets by K. Tsiolkovskiy, achievements of Russian space program lead by S. Korolev that include first unmanned space flight of "Sputnik" and first manned space flight of Yu. Gagarin, invention of laser by N. Basov and Yu. Prokhorov as well and many other discoveries.
There are around 4000 organizations in Russia involved in research and development with almost one million personnel. Half of those people are doing scientific research. It is coordinated by Ministry of industry, science and technologies, where strategy and basic priorities of research and development are being formulated.
Fundamental scientific research is concentrated in Russian Academy of Sciences, which now includes hundreds of institutes specializing in all major scientific disciplines such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, Earth sciences etc.
The applied science and technology is mainly done in Institutions and Design Bureaus belonging to different Russian Ministers. They are involved in research and development in nuclear energy (Ministry of atomic energy), space exploration (Russian aviation and space agency), defense (Ministry of defense), telecommunications (Ministry of communications) and so on.

Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Academy of Sciences is the community of the top ranking Russian scientists and principal coordinating body for basic research in natural and social sciences, technology and production in Russia. It is composed of more than 350 research institutions. Outstanding Russian scientists are elected to the Academy, where membership is of three types - academicians, corresponding members and foreign members. The Academy is also involved in post graduate training of students and in publicizing scientific achievements and knowledge. It maintains ties with many international scientific institutions and collaborates as well with foreign academies. The Academy’s divisions directed by its Presidium are :
  • Division of mathematics;
  • Division of general physics and astronomy;
  • Division of nuclear physics;
  • Division of physical and technical problems of energy production;
  • Division of machine engineering, mechanics and control process problems;
  • Division of informatics computer technologies and automation;
  • Division of general and technical chemistry;
  • Division of physical-chemistry and technology of inorganic materials;
  • Division of physical-chemical biology;
  • Division of general biology;
  • Division of physiology;
  • Division of geology, geophysics, geochemistry and mining sciences;
  • Division of oceanology, atmosphere physics, geography;
  • Division of history;
  • Division of philosophy, sociology, psychology and low;
  • Division of economics;
  • Division of international relations studies;
  • Division of literature and language;
Founded in St. Petersburg in 1724 by Peter the Great the Academy was than opened in 1725 by his widow Catherine I, as the Academy of sciences and arts. Later known under various names it got its present name in 1925. In its early decades foreign scholars notably the Swiss mathematicians Leonard Euler and Daniel Bernoulli worked in the Academy. The first Russian member in the Academy was Mikhail Lomonosov, scientist and poet, who was elected in 1742 and contributed extensively to many branches of science. The Academy’s highest prize, the Lomonosov Medal, bears his name.
Under the tsars, Academy was headed by the Court members and controlled a relatively small number of institutions. After 1917 the Academy started to elect its president and expanded its activities while many new scientific institutions arose throughout the Soviet Union. By 1934, when it was transferred from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) to Moscow, it embraced 25 institutes. Before the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 the Academy directed more than 260 institutions including laboratories, naval institutes, observatories, research stations, scientific societies and branches, that were spread throughout the republics of former Soviet Union. Russian Academy is proud of it’s members awarded with the Nobel prize, who are: Ivan Pavlov, Nikolai Semenov, Igor Tamm, Pavel Cherenkov, Ilya Frank, Lev Landau, Nikolai Basov, Alexander Prokhorov, Mikhail Sholokhov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Leonid Kantorovich, Andrey Sakharov, Pyotr Kapitsa, Zhorez Alfyorov.
Russian Academy of Sciences celebrated its 275 jubilee a few years ago. Still it is the leading force of the Russian science keeping its best traditions, thus maintaining a high level of the scientific, technological, educational and spiritual potential of the country.

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